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Running on Optimism

with Sonia Rita

Hi. My name is Sonia Rita. I'm a two-time marathoner, a mom, a wife, an overthinker, and a whole lots of other things. I'm fueled by carbs, coffee, "I love you's" from my little one, and of course optimism.


But "the why" behind my fitness journey is the sweet spot where we can connect, and through my podcast, share inspirational conversations with every day runners like myself and others in wellness about finding optimism despite challenges.


Running on Optimism Podcast

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Episode 1: Marco Rita | Running marathons on inspiration

For my first episode, it was a no brainer to sit with my own husband, Marco, to talk about his running accomplishments like his most recent 50k Ultra. Marco shares how witnessing our little girl's struggle with her spinal cord tumor and her rehabilitation push him through all the miles.

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At a time when we could all use a little more humanity, and when some of us are pounding the pavement or putting in that treadmill time to find some sanity, I want us to connect through inspiration and optimism. So join me, Sonia Rita, amateur runner and mom, for conversations with fellow runners and friends in fitness on Running on Optimism.


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