My Story
My running journey began in 2015 when I signed up for my first 5K. It was the Lemon Run for Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation that I was running in honor of my daughter who was just 2 years old at the time and deep into her chemotherapy treatment for a spinal cord tumor.
Running that first 5k and parenting a special needs child created an opportunity to really dig beyond what I thought I was capable of and break through my own mental barriers. How could I not after witnessing my own baby kicking butt and taking names?
I've been chasing my first 26.2 since I began training for the New Jersey Marathon that was to be held in April 2020. But like all things in 2020, things did not go as planned. Along the way, however, I've found some really beautiful stories of people just like me finding their way and their light through running and fitness.

“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope or confidence.”
-- Helen Keller
Running on Optimism
I believe that optimism isn't blindly assuming everything is going to be ok. Rather, it is acknowledging that often things aren't ok, but knowing that through gratitude and an open heart we can work toward ensuring the best outcome for ourselves and our communities.